….and I’m just sharin’ some summer shit I love.
No matter how old I get, I will try my damndest to never let summer become just another season. Summer should ALWAYS be about unleashing a little more of our carefree side, and going a little wild. Wild hair. Wild adventures. Wild experiences. Obviously, time can be limiting when we’re working, caretaking, and just trying to stay afloat. But there are absolutely ways we can make these months sweeter, more meaningful, and jam-packed with moments of joy and connection. Here are some of my summer favorites, as a mom who’s always looking to simplify life, make memories, and remember that I deserve all the laughter and fun, too - not just the kids!
Ladies, I get it that bathing suit shopping may not be our favorite thing to do. The balance of comfort, style, affordability (when did it become ok to charge $160 for a tiny piece of fabric?), and quality is a TOUGH combination to find! Trust me, I have tried ALL the brands, and all the styles. This summer, I decided to keep it simple. I love this bathing suit by CupShe. Honestly, though, I have not had great experiences ordering through their website. Luckily, Amazon sells their suits as well. I ordered around twelve styles from different brands on Amazon and wound up keeping two. This bathing suit was my favorite, and I have since ordered it in two other colors/patterns. I’m a DD cup and size 14 (or 12, 16, 14 plus….you know how fucking complicated this gets) and ordered an X-large. This suit is so comfortable, and makes me feel secure without feeling restricted. The price is amazing, and since I don’t do “hand wash and hang dry,” it has endured a few washes already without losing its shape or fading. It’s pretty universal in style, and I feel pretty damn good in it!
Women/Mom Essentials
I’m not gonna lie….I don’t love going to get bikini waxes. First off, for some reason, it feels like a waste of time (I can’t explain it, but it does). Secondly, the less I have to take my pants off for strangers, the better. A very popular beauty influencer friend of mine recommended this product to me after I told her I would rather use tweezers than go for a bikini wax. Since trying it, I have bought it in bulk, for fear that for some reason they’ll discontinue it. These products keep my VERY sensitive skin smooth, bump-free, and non-prickly. 10/10 highly recommend for anyone who wants to skip the wax.
I’m not really a helicopter mom about my own kids. Except, I was always CRAZY afraid around water. We’re a family who LOVES the pool and the beach, and having three kids plus often having my friends’ kids with us, I was always SO anxious and never able to truly relax and enjoy myself. I wish air tags had been a thing, even though usually I am so not the mom who say that. Now that I have grown kids, I love bringing my younger friends’ and my cousins' little kids to the beach. You can bet I am even more terrified of losing their kids than I was my own. When I searched for products to keep track of kids at the beach, these apple tag holders came up, and now I keep them in my pool/beach bag. When I don’t have kids with me, I still slip air tags into my stuff at the beach, both in case they get taken, and so I can find my spot on the sand after I’ve gone into the water or taken a walk. I own more air tags than I wish to admit lol.
If you’ve ever seen me in public, come to my house, or watched my reels, then you’ve seen me wearing these. Honestly, the fact that I haven’t invested in the company yet is kind of silly. I have four colors, and if I’m not in sneakers or out at night, I’m wearing these. Waterproof, beyond comfortable, DURABLE (I can’t believe I haven’t thrown out even one pair yet), and I might even add, cute. Mia used them for showers in her dorm, and we keep a pair by the door for when we need to just run outside. Simply put, they’re my favorite. I sized down in them, so they were a little snug when I first wore them, but now, they’re perfection.

Check out the rest of our list plus others such as Adam and my favorite intimacy products on our Amazon Storefront!
Five of My Favorite Reads for the Summer:
Historical Fiction meets soft porn in what is definitely one of my top five favorite books of all time. It’s a trilogy. I absolutely LOVED the first two books, and devoured them. The third one is good and absolutely worth reading, but the first two were definitely my favorite. When I was reading these, I did not want to anything else except read!
I feel like I am single-handedly responsible for every woman in my life reading this book. Old Hollywood meets….well, just read it. I don’t want to give ANY spoilers.
While I highly recommend Trevor Noah’s memoir to EVERYONE, I recommend it even more as an audio book. Trevor Noah’s accents, african dialect, and just overall tone is incredible. Going on a road trip? Listen to this with your teenagers in the car! My son did this as his summer reading last year and loved it!
This book is perfect for when you don’t want to truly have to “hard concentrate” in order to keep track, understand, and appreciate a story. While it’s absolutely a worthwhile story to read or listen to, it’s one that you can enjoy without having to truly commit. Basically, it’s perfect reading for the beach or the pool.
I always debate whether or not to include this in lists. I’m torn on how I feel about Matthew McConaughey. But, man did he write a great book. Again, I recommend listening on Audible, although not as strongly as I do for Born A Crime. I don’t read a lot of books by celebrity men, but this one has stayed with me.
What I’m reading next?
“One night, she comes back from a party to find a stranger in her home. His name is Michael. He’s attractive, sweet, and, according to him, her friends, and the pictures on her walls, he’s Lauren’s husband.
Just as Lauren is trying to figure out how she could be married to someone she can’t remember meeting, Michael climbs up into the attic to change a lightbulb and abruptly disappears. In his place, a new man climbs down, and a new, slightly altered life reforms around her.”
Honestly, my sister recommended it. And when she recommends a book, you want to listen (pretty much every book I’ve ever read has been her recommendation). You can get so many book recommendations for books and so many other “life coach” life essentials from her substack. Go follow her there!
Of course, summer is always an amazing time to catch up on the Marriage and Martinis podcast!
You can start from the beginning, but you don’t have to! Here are some of our most downloaded, listener favorite episodes!
If you want to hear the famous story of the night of my 40th birthday party:
If you want to hear about the most honest conversation we’ve ever had about our intimate life:
If you want to hear our daughter’s Coming Out episode:
If you just want to laugh:
Change the course of your relationship this summer with our Small Change, Big Impact Couples' Challenge!